Our School Development Plan 2020-2021 / Ein Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol

SDP 2020-2021 overview

School Development Priority 2020-2021  Effective Learning: Helping our pupils to develop as ambitious, capable learners 


At Franksbridge School we ‘learn how to learn well’. We encourage everybody at school to become aware of how they learn. We reflect on our learning and develop an understanding of the strategies and approaches that are effective for each of us as individual learners. Our children are actively involved in evaluating and improving their own learning skills through self-assessment. They also provide feedback to each other (peer assessment).

Growth Mindset

All learners at Franksbridge School (children and adults) are committed to developing ‘Growth Mindset’: we take opportunities to explore ideas, methods and possibilities in an open, creative way. We expect to make mistakes along our learning journeys but rather than fearing mistakes, we embrace them as important parts of our learning experiences. We know that we all have the ability to make progress and fulfil our potential.

5 Positive Habits of Mind are taught throughout the school:

  • Persistence
  • Collaboration
  • Self-discipline
  • Imagination and
  • Inquisitiveness

Through the development of positive ‘Habits of Mind’, children reach their full potential to develop resilient, lively and enquiring minds capable of independent endeavour and effective collaboration.

Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning is the effective use of questioning, feedback and dialogue with individual learners, designed explicitly to promote learning. AfL includes teacher, self and peer evaluation wherein successful practice is celebrated and reinforced, and learners consider how they can further develop their learning.